
Fall Of The Roman Empire Research Paper

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The fall of the Roman Empire is a complex and multifaceted event that has been the subject of much debate among historians and scholars. There are numerous factors that contributed to the decline and eventual collapse of this once great civilization. In this essay, we will explore the main reasons that led to the fall of the Roman Empire, drawing on a range of historical sources and perspectives. One of the key factors that contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire was internal strife and political instability. The Roman Empire was plagued by a series of civil wars, power struggles, and political corruption that weakened the central government and undermined its ability to govern effectively. The assassination of Emperor Commodus in 192 …show more content…

The Roman economy was heavily dependent on agriculture, and as the empire expanded, it became increasingly difficult to sustain the population and feed the growing cities. The reliance on slave labor also inhibited technological innovation and economic diversification. In addition, the constant need for military expansion and defense placed a heavy financial burden on the empire, leading to high levels of taxation and inflation. The widespread use of debased coinage further undermined the economy and eroded public trust in the government. Furthermore, the Roman Empire faced external threats from barbarian invasions and military conflicts with neighboring powers. The empire's borders were constantly under pressure from Germanic tribes in the north and east, as well as from the Parthian Empire in the east. The Roman army, once feared and respected throughout the ancient world, became increasingly stretched thin and demoralized by constant warfare. The defeat at the Battle of Adrianople in 378 AD signaled a significant turning point in Rome's military fortunes, as the empire was unable to effectively defend its borders against the invading

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