False Evidence Appearing Real In The Tell-Tale Heart By Edgar Allen Poe

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Fear: False Evidence Appearing Real. In “The Tell-Tale Heart”, Edgar Allen Poe writes about guilt controlling a person’s actions caused by fear. Throughout this short story Poe uses literary devices to make his story. He uses point of view, theme, and symbolism to his advantage to help make the story better when reading it. A quick summary of “The Tell-Tale Heart” is the narrator murders an old man. This is due to his fear of the old man’s eye, which he says resembles the eye of a vulture. Throughout the story he tries to convince the audience he is not a madman. The setting takes place for eight days at midnight at the old man’s house. When he stuck his head through the door to watch the old man for the eighth night, the old man woke. This horror story is about a demise of two men; Not just a masterful, portrait of madness but an example of how guilt can make an already crazy man even crazier. …show more content…

He/she uses pronouns such as I and me. Some wonder if Poe did this on purpose or if he thought the sex would be universally understood. It created an impact that could be changed based on this atrocious and vile deed being committed by a woman. The point of view is from a protagonist telling their personal account. It’s overall impact is heightened and adds to the horror by continuously stressing to the reader that he/she is not mad. Trying to convince the reader was done by telling us how carefully this brutal crime was planned and carried