Family Conflict Analysis Paper

716 Words3 Pages

This analysis paper exams various styles of conflict and how this family chooses to handle their conflict. In 2005 Anthony and Jay were put in the custody of the State of California. Anthony was 5 years old and his brother Jay was 3 years old. After their mother Jackie a drug addict fell to provide, care or support them. Jackie would leave them with strangers and family member for extended periods of time. After years of this behavior and her being put into jail for stealing. She was sentence to prison and her boys would become wards of the State of California. Her aunt Darlene decided to apply for custody of her children, this would allow them to stay in the family and give them a safe and loving home to grow up in. Right after Darlene gained …show more content…

In 2005 Anthony and Jay were put in the custody of the State of California. Anthony was 5 years old and his brother Jay was 3 years old. After their mother Jackie a drug addict fell to provide, care or support them. Jackie would leave them with strangers and family member for extended periods of time. After years of this behavior and her being put into jail for stealing. She was sentence to prison and her boys would become wards of the State of California. Her aunt Darlene decided to apply for custody of her children, this would allow them to stay in the family and give them a safe and loving home to grow up in. Right after Darlene gained custody of them she became very ill and was diagnose with blood cancer. For 10 years she battled with this horrible disease, while putting them through school, sports and church activities. She loved them and was very committed to the success of their future. During that time their mother Jackie was released from prison but never tried to regain custody of her children. Over the last 12 years she has continued to use drug and is very unstable. Four years ago the Lord called Darlene home to be with Him. Anthony and Jay were teenagers and again they would be threatened with the idea of going back in to state custody. There were several attempts to get their mother to care for them, at this age they can basically care for themselves. She

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