Nt1310 Unit 3 Per Report Sample

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PER REPORTER: Mom send notes for the children to get off at different addresses. Mom said the lights are off at the home and they are not staying at the home. Reporter stated they are staying from house to house. Per reporter, mom has sent a note for the children to go to the grandmother 's address and an address at The Brittany 's Apartments. Reporter stated she spoke with the grandmother and the issue seems to be the mother contacts the grandmother to ask if the children can get off there and when they do mom never comes to get them. Mom will tell the grandmother she will be there in a little while. The children stay at the grandmother 's home on and off. Reporter stated the mother has picked the children up from school on one of the days but …show more content…

Reporter stated yesterday the children were suppose to get off at The Brittany 's Apartments but they got on the bus to go to the grandmother 's home. Reporter stated mom called the school fussing and was suppose to call back to let the school know if they made it to the grandmother 's home. Reporter stated mom did not call back. Reporter stated she had to call mom back at the additional number provided. Mom has several numbers that do not work. Reporter has spoken with the grandmother today. She said the children went to school from her home. The children are currently at school. Reporter stated this seems to be an ongoing issue according to the family. Mom changes house to house and the children don 't know where to go. Reporter stated the children don 't know what apartment number to go to if they do go to The Brittany 's Apartments. Reporter stated the concern is the children not knowing where to go and they may get lost. Reporter stated the grandmother is willing to keep them. Reporter stated ther is possible previous DHS history of the children being taken away and given to the father. Reporter stated the children were given back to mom after she got a home. Reporter stated the children do not need immediate