On 6/29/15, Ms. Wendy Sanders and Mr. Charles Ray Hamilton visited the DHR office. Ms. Sanders is interested in becoming Mr. Hamilton 's rep. payee and caregiver. According to Ms. Sanders, she needs somewhere to live because she recently moved to the Carbon Hill area after getting out of an abusive relationship. She has been cleaning Mr. Hamilton 's home getting it ready for her son who is 13 years old. Worker explained to Ms. Sanders how his grandchildren have caused problems in the past for people who have tried to help Mr. Hamilton.
UCM:CPSW did a home visit and met with foster parent (Dorothy Bensalih), Emeri and Cantarah. Cantarah was playing with her IPad and Emeri. CPSW talked with Contrarah briefly and asked about school and any other concerns. Cantarah reported that she is doing well and excited about her new Ipad and plays with it after school. Emeri was sitting and playing with his sister during the meeting.
I, Tiffany Yinger, am a Foster Care Case Manager at Caritas Family Solutions in East Alton. I am the worker for Kiyanna Harris, date of birth 08/16/2017. I am writing to inform you that Kiyanna Harris, is in DCFS custody at this time. She is currently residing with her paternal grandmother, Michelle Harris.
Successful CC =1 CM received a call from Katlyn (Clinician at EMYL) informing CM that Tavian will have a new clinician at the end of October. Katlyn stated she will keep CM updated on the new clinician at a later date. CM was informed that Tavian is has been involved in gang affiliation and Katlyn does not agree with Tavian going home on passes. Katlyn and CM discuss family sessions and Katlyn scedule a family sessions on 10/4/16 at
Mrs. Navarro asked the CP if the CP can provide her with information about entering the shelter, at which the CP agreed to do so. Mentoring Program: The CP provided Mrs. Navarro with information about SCR and mentoring programs for Tyler to explore. Mrs. Navarro reported that she enrolled Tyler and Sidney for the PAL afterschool program, but Tyler refuses to attend-so, the child’s application is placed on hold, according to Mrs. Navarro. Tyler was questioned as to why he is not going to the after school program and based on the child response, he could not provide a proper answer.
Reporter stated she spoke with the grandmother and the issue seems to be the mother contacts the grandmother to ask if the children can get off there and when they do mom never comes to get them. Mom will tell the grandmother she will be there in a little while. The children stay at the grandmother 's home on and off. Reporter stated the mother has picked the children up from school on one of the days but
Katie Thomas sent a letter to the State Office, reporting the following information. Several letters, emails and phone calls have been made to the hotline, concerning to Koasheca. Koasheca is abusing the kids. She tried to kill the baby, and threatened suicide. Koasheca moves from house to house, and from state to state, whenever questions about the child arise.
ANitra reported that her case with CPS came from her and her husband going through something (PIA SW thinks she means the OFP she got against her husband). She reported that she went and took it off the table and they went and got counselling as a family. She reported that they are OK. She reported that she had told the prior CPS worker that she was looking into moving out of State but that didn’t come together and she never did move. She admitted that she told the CPS worker that she was moving out of State to get CPS out of her life.
Served as illistrator when she was 17 10. Before
Special Populations Agency Interview On February 16th of 2016, an interview was conducted with Mrs. Sharon Mosley Walker. Mrs. Walker is a Commission Investigator for the State of Florida. She was a former Protection Investigator (PI) for Children and Family Service of Jacksonville, Florida. She also worked as a Probation and Correctional officer for the State of Florida.
Reporter stated the following: The child is not in DHS custody. We make medical and school decisions. I met the mom this summer at WIC. The mom and her three kids lived with us this summer. The mom then moved in with her boyfriend.
Additionally, she has formal supports; in-home therapy, and DCF. Rosemary does not identify with a particular culture or religious practices, however she has her own set of beliefs that consists of self-reliance, putting her children’ s needs first and working hard, however this has not always been the case. The family became involved with the Department due to marijuana use during her pregnancy with James and subsequently, after six months of working with the Department, her children were removed due to multiple reports of abuse and neglect and a supported allegation of physical abuse of Jeremy by the youngest children’s father and domestic violence. Over the past year Rosemary has worked diligently to have her children returned to her care and custody.
However social services investigated the family and determined that it was safe for the baby to go home with them. The parents both work full-time during the day so they say that they are unable to visit often. Usually they visit for
PER REPORTER: There are concerns about Carrie being molested and both children being mistreated. The family was evicted. They have no where to live. In the past month - two months, they moved with the grandmother.
A 2015 study by Entertainment Software Association (ESA) showed that 42% of Americans play video games at least three hours a week. The ever increasing popularity of video games begs the question of how it forms people’s perceptions about the real world. A particular area that garnered a lot of attention in the last few years is the gender representation, specifically objectification of women in video games. There is more than one way of objectifying women in video games, from hypersexualizing women to portraying them as damsels in distress. This inaccurate representation of women in video games can have a negative effect on anyone who plays them and game developers should take note of the role they play in shaping people’s perceptions and