Cpsw (Dorothy Bensalih), Emeri And Cantarah

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UCM:CPSW did a home visit and met with foster parent (Dorothy Bensalih), Emeri and Cantarah. Cantarah was playing with her IPad and Emeri. CPSW talked with Contrarah briefly and asked about school and any other concerns. Cantarah reported that she is doing well and excited about her new Ipad and plays with it after school. Emeri was sitting and playing with his sister during the meeting. Emeri seemed shy and quietly playing with his sister.

CPSW asked Ms. Dorthoy about any concerns with Cantarah 's school. She reported that she went to school recently and talked with Cantarah 's teachers and they reported no concerns about her education. CPSW asked about Cantarah seeing a therapist at school. Ms. Dorthoy refused Cantarah seeing any

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