Family In Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak

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Family. A lot of people cringe at the word because of the embarrassment that can come with it. Family means a support system that will follow through for you when you need it. A group of people, related or otherwise, who knows exactly what to do to push your buttons or make you feel better. In the book, Speak, Melinda grows up in a, seemingly normal, yet dysfunctional setting. Sure she has parents that are around, however that does not make a family similar to how kindness and caring is what makes a great one. Melinda was raped at a summer party. Entering high school is hard enough without a debilitating secret. What happened to her was not her parents’ fault, yet everything that happened afterwards could have been helped, or even prevented, if her parents had just noticed.
Showering is nearly daily ritual that people choose to partake in for sanitary as well as social reasons. Melinda has …show more content…

Physical as well as psychological scars are apparent on many survivors. Sexual assault victims of all kinds experience various psychological symptoms but a few of the most common ones are:Depression, Flashback of what took place, Sleeping and Eating disorders, Guilt, Distrust, and multiple personality disorders. Experiencing these things - especially two or more - can be a hard thing to deal with. It would be nearly impossible to hide these things from somebody who knew you even in the slightest. Melinda was able to do this, right under the noses of her parents for months. Her attack wasn’t the only thing that had left her scarred. As mentioned before, depression is an extremely common side effect in sexual assault victims.Melinda shows her experience with this as well as the harsh coldness from her mother. PG 88 “ Mom sees my wrist at breakfast. Mom: I don’t have time for this Melinda. Me:. She says suicide is for cowards.” This should have been a slap in the face to a mother who is supposed to care about her

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