Fan Identification In The Future: Transition From Newspapers To Online Sports Journalism

1121 Words5 Pages

Jacob Wauters
English 206
Dr. Bates
25 September 2014
Literature Review With new technology, there are so many new mediums in which sports journalism can be presented. There are still the familiar print articles in magazines and newspapers, but the internet has introduced so many more options to obtain any information in the world of sports. A lot those familiar print articles have moved to electronic versions while blogs and social media are relatively new. Readers of sports journalism now have an option as to where they gain there information. A major driving force in this decision is the credibility, or perceived credibility, of those mediums.
The article, “The Role of Fan Identification in the Perceived Credibility of Sports Articles” describes a study conducted with the goal of identifying which mediums in sports journalism are the most credible according to fans. This article concluded that perceived credibility had little to do with medium and a lot to do with fan identification. Sadri suggested that the credibility of sports media has evened out over the years and that all types have similar credibility perceptions among news consumers, and that not one stands out above the rest. He did go on to say, however, that online news has come the farthest over the last decade in perceived credibility by fans (Sadri 230).
Sadri found …show more content…

The article is on the fence about which mediums are considered the most credible. The article starts out by introducing the writers and their back grounds. It explains shy each made the transition to online writing and they compare and contrast it to newspaper writing. I thought that the article did provide a different perspective. Instead of which medium the reader thought was the most credible, it was from the writer’s point of