Far South Cdc Organizational Structure

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Organization Mission
To improve the conditions of business and residential spaces by providing resources and new developments that change the way people think and live on the mid and far Southside.
Organization History
Far South CDC is a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, which was established to foster economic development and eradicate slum and blighted conditions in its service area. The organization, The Beverly Local Company, was founded in 1977 and initially specialized in small business loans and loan packaging for businesses. On January 1, 2007, the Board of Directors established the Far South Community Development Corporation (Far South CDC) to focus on the Greater Roseland, Pullman, and West Pullman neighborhoods through larger …show more content…

Addressing PNC Foundation 's Funding Priorities
The Far South Community Development Corporation addresses two major aspects of the PNC Foundation’s funding priorities: community development and revitalization and stabilization of low- and moderate-income areas. We work as a liaison between the city of Chicago and area organizations, businesses and community residents. The Far South CDC connects program participants with funding for improving neighborhood aesthetics through the purchase of area homes, renovation of properties and retention of area businesses.
The Far South Community Development Corporation through The Micro Market Recovery Program assists far south communities with neighborhood stabilization by connecting area residents with funding for: home repairs, re-occupying vacant residential buildings and remaining in their homes. Home buyers are assisted with purchasing homes in the programs participating communities.
Problem to be …show more content…

The organization will continue to assist clients in applying for down payment assistance and grants for home repairs through the Micro Market Recovery Program. In addition to its’ current programs, the organization will purchase and rehab single family homes in the targeted area of West Pullman. The objective of the program is to strengthen the existing housing stock within West Pullman target area, and provide low to moderate income individuals homeownership. The target area is in a strong neighborhood to invest in. While West Pullman has had challenges with issues of crime, safety, and employment, there have been significant investments in the community over the last decade, which include: Marshfield Plaza development, Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Recreation and Community Center, Exelon Urban Solar Power