Farmers In The Late 1800's

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250 years ago, in the late 1700’s, there was less then one billion people in the world, in the late 1800’s there was just over 1.5 billion people in the world, and today in 2017 there are about 7 billion people in the world population. In 2050, it is estimated that there will be 9 billion people in the world (Simmons, 2011). That is a lot of mouths to feed. Decades ago, citizen’s food source was dependent on their farmland and the produce they produced but today humans strive to have the largest supersized foods available. With this influx of people surfacing the earth, it is no doubt that the most important part is to keep all these hungry mouths fed. Changes in how farmers use technology to make advances to produce more food, the way farm …show more content…

“Farmers are looking for information to help them grow more with fewer resources and less environmental impact” (Johnson, 2015). Through the evolution of technology, they are doing just that, in 2017 most farmers are now able to feed 255 people a day, compared to 1950, when one farmer could only feed 29 people (Johnson, 2015). This is due to the new technological advances that have been made in the farming industry such as motorized equipment, modified housing for animals and biotechnology, which attribute to the improvement of agriculture. Advancement of technology has allowed farmers to can feed more people and with greater technology it results in fewer people to work on the fields. Development of equipment has also contributed to the farmer’s way of farming and how they produce food. In the past, farmers would have had to pick the harvest by hand or use horse-drawn carriages. This would have been extremely time consuming, which would mean to complete the jobs the farm land would have had to been much smaller. Today, most farmers choose to use mechanical equipment and tractors to help them with field work. Tractors can do to quadruple the work one human can possibly do, so this allows for larger fields, this type of equipment allows it to run for longer and is able to produce a greater amount of food that will supply this ever-growing