Summary of 'The Fat-Burning Bible'

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Hi there and welcome!

On this post we will review the Fat Burning Bible by Dr. David Forrest and Anthony Turner.

In order to make everything easier for you we will divide this page into two parts:

1. A quick section that contains basic information about the Fat Burning Bible.

2. A full review which will cover the Fat Burning Bible guide in details, and provides you with all the information which we think you need to understand about Dr. Forrest’s fat loss solution…

Basic Information

Product’s Name: The Fat Burning Bible

Author: Dr. David Forrest And Anthony Turner

Release Date: 2015

Learning Format: Downloadable guide

Refund Policy: 100% money-back guarantee for sixty days

Official Site:

Full Review …show more content…

In lean mice, they discovered that they contain low amounts of Bacteroidetes and high amounts of Firmicutes. However, in obese mice, the opposite was true. It seems like Firmicutes cause weight gain because their role is to help the body take out the calories from complex sugars, and then store them as fats.

The Fat-Burning Bible is based on the discoveries of these studies, as well as on Dr. Forrest’s research, and inside this guide you'll learn different things, including the following:
- The latest and comprehensive list of Dr. Forrest’s ingredients that are scientifically proven to increase your weight loss bacteria while eliminating the fat-storing bacteria in your guts.
- A list of natural fat-burning superfoods that you can easily buy at your local grocery store for not more than a few pennies.
- A fat-burning meal and recipe guide that includes 21 tasty and healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner…
Aside from the main manual, you’ll also receive two free bonuses from the …show more content…

The good news is that the Fat Burning Bible is covered by a 60-day money back guarantee, and Anthony Turner explains that if you’re not happy with it for whatever reason, you can simply email him and to receive a full refund.

So far, we haven’t come across any complaints regarding the Fat Burning Bible refund policy, which is a very good sign….

The Main Pros

The Main Cons

Not A “Quick Fix Solution” To Obesity

You certainly didn’t pack those fats overnight, so it’s only reasonable that you shouldn’t expect to get dramatic results in just a few days when following the Fat Burning Bible program. Besides, as Dr. David Forrest and Anthony Turner explain, if you lose weight fast and in large amounts, you might compromise your health and even endanger your life.

Get Your Doctor’s Opinion

If you’re under any special type of diet, or if you have any underlying health condition, please seek your doctor’s approval before trying to follow this weight loss program. Although the Fat Burning Bible offers a natural-based system, we believe it’s best to be safe than sorry.

No Hardcopies Available

The Fat Burning Bible is currently available as a digital product only. If you have poor internet connection, or if you prefer a physical book, you might be in for a