Fate In Macbeth Essay

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The concept I got for Macbeth is fate. Fate plays a major role in the story of Macbeth. It is the driving force for the play, and once Macbeth learns his fate, it causes him to go down a dark path in order to achieve his fate. Him doing anything to achieve his fate is also Macbeths downfall. In act 1 We meet Macbeth and the witches. The 3 witches tell Macbeth that he is going to become the new king, and that he will have heirs that will lead after he s gone. This causes Macbeth to go down a dark path to become the new king, and to change slowly. According to Sciencedirect.com “Second, given a number of studies regarding the propensity for political leaders to exhibit the darker personality traits (e.g., Lilienfeld et al., 2012), we expect …show more content…

He essentially tells her that he no longer needs her help to achieve his goals. This ties into real life because people in leadership roles tend to have darker personality traits such as narcissism. According to psychologytoday.com “The "goodies" turn to all that is beautiful, intelligent, creative, progressive, kind, decent and loving in human beings—and there really is an enormous presence of these wonderful characteristics. "Darker" types turn to the adage that man is born to sin and go on to cite the endless evils and destruction we indeed wreak on one another, disastrously and shamefully, in almost all areas of life.” We see this happen to Macbeth. He starts off a good man, but when he …show more content…

Banquo gets killed but his son flees. Upon hearing this news, Macbeth is glad that Banquo died, and he is not worried about his son at the moment. In act 3 there is a quote from Macbeth “…you must kill Banquo and his son Fleance…” Macbeth is talking to 2 people he gathered to perform this task for him. Macbeth is a corrupt leader who is using his power to do what he wants simply because 3 witches told him it was his fate. In real life many people especially in America, believe that the leaders are corrupt. This quote coming from www.pewresearch.com “Some of the frustrations people feel about their political systems are tied to their opinions about political elites. In the U.S., concerns about political corruption are especially widespread, with two-in-three Americans agreeing that the phrase “most politicians are corrupt” describes their country well.” Even though Macbeth is not afraid of Banquo’s son at the moment, he does worry about what will happen later. This combined with him being stressed over killing the king and the witches and Lady Macbeth, he is starting to lose his mind. He is seeing things that are not their and even his servants and fellow leaders have noticed this. In act 3 there is another quote. Macbeth was hosting a dinner party when he started seeing the ghost of Banquo. He began to talk to the ghost, and everyone around him could not see the ghost so one of the members said,

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