Fatherless Research Paper

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Fatherless. Growing up as an African-American female, I have come to certain realizations that have made me more cautious of the people I chose to associate myself with on a day-to-day basis based on ignorance that society distributes for others’ use. For example, society portrays the black cultural without a father raised in a single-mother household in a low-income environment. By providing this image to the world, it allows them to interpret that image in any way they chose. In my case, my father was in my life for a short period of time which proved that stereotype right. Growing up knowing people assumed I was raised by a single-mother made me feel as though I wasn’t as equipped as all of my peers, like I did not meet their criteria for …show more content…

At a given time, most African-Americans did not have the opportunity to earn a decent education. As of today, there are stereotypes that box African-American females in a corner, such as teen pregnancy, the inability to finish school, the dependency on a male to provide for them, and their reliance on welfare. My family always taught me that education was one of the only things that would help me provide with a better life for myself in the future and I took that seriously. I was never taught to be dependent on others and their promises, I made a way for myself with effort I put forth in everything that I took part in. In my short time of being a college student, I have realized that a handful of the girls I went to high school with are now selling themselves for money and not even concerned about acquiring an education for themselves. Honestly, that is something that I can never understand only because I have always prized my ability to be independent and autonomous. Knowing that my grandparents were not given the opportunity to attain a higher education because they grew up in the Oklahoma in the 1930s and 1940s gave me an incentive to take advantage of the opportunities put in-front of me. I made a promise to myself that I would prove others wrong by bettering my own life to help those who need