Fdr's Disagreements With The Federal Theater

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During the Great Depression, many theaters started falling apart due to financial issues. Right then the federal theater project was created to help small theaters that were suffering from these financial issues. It was also created to bring back life to large theaters who couldn 't afford the needs to maintain a theater. The way that the this federal theater project helped was the government takes over your theater and maintains it but the catch is that you don 't have any control over it. For example “as the depression worsened, theatrical unions became unable to care for their own members” ( text 1, lines 15-17). This shows that the reason why the federal theater project was created. The federal theater was not successful for many …show more content…

Second, reason this project was unsuccessful was the disagreements that were made with the unions. To demonstrate “ Disagreements with many unions that already held a firm grip on the commercial theater continually causes difficulties and made the process of recruiting workers from the relief roles extremely difficult” (text 2, lines 15-18). In other words this proves that the disagreements with many unions were causing issues and were making the process difficult to recruit workers. Finally, The last reason that made this federal project unsuccessful were the censorships . To illustrate “as a highly visible and controversial part of the larger agency, provided an especially good target for FDR’s enemies. Their attacks let to the ultimate censorship: the termination of the projects” (text 3, lines 48-50). To put it in another way highly visible and controversial large agency became a target for FDR’s enemies and their attacks let to the censorship which terminated the project. On the other hand, This project was also successful because it did help small theaters and big theaters by bringing back live into them. Specifically “ 78% of these audience members were admitted free of charge, many seeing live theater for first time” (text 3, lines