Fear In Ernest Hemingway's A Wrinkle In Time

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Conquering our fears. In the book A Wrinkle in Time, the main character, Meg, has to overcome her self doubt and insecurities to save her and her friends. Meg has to overcome fear,doubt, anger, and hate to defeat the thing that took her father away from her. She has to learn to be self-reliant instead of always wanting someone to do the work for her, and if she fails the whole universe might be taken over by a dark evil thing. Meg’s father was a physicist and when he didn't come home from his job one night his family started to worry, he was eventually pronounced missing. When Meg hears all of the terrible things that people say about her father she gets very mad. Her fear of her father leaving the for another woman has always left her angry …show more content…

As one of her school mates put it ”after all meg we aren't grammar school kids any more.” (Pg5) Megs anger fear and hate holds her back from growing up and moving on, and as great movie character once said. “Fear is the path to the dark side...fear leads to anger...anger leads to hate...hate leads to suffering.” Master Yoda. Megs fear of loss holds her back, she is self conscious of the people that she loves most ”But it wasn't possible for her to think of her father without danger of tears,”(pg6) and as our former president once said, “ The only thing that we have to fear is fear itself.”FDR. So when her father leaves Charles Wallace on Camazotz and she finds out, Meg goes hysterical. But because of her hysteria she relizes that not everything can be done for her and that she has to put forth the work herself. Meg has to rise above herself to save her baby brother that she loves so much. When she goes …show more content…

She has to love her brother to bring him back. she learns to love her and to remember that she is loved. Before she comes to the evils of It she remember all of the people that love her. She remembers Aunt. Beast, Calvin, her father and mother, the three Mrs. W’s and her little brother Charles Wallace. When she gets dropped off on camazotz by herself Mrs. Witch tells her that she has something that IT doesn't. As she relizes that it is love she calls in the heavy artillery and remembers being loved by all of her friends and Charles Wallace, and that is what sets them free and takes them home. By the end of the book, Meg isn’t some scared little girl that is super insecure and thinks she is a delinquent. She gained her integrity and finds refuge with those that love her. Meg best displayed this best at the part in the book when she is saying her goodbyes. (Pg191) Her love for others saves her and Charles Wallace. But at the beginning she was a brat and only saw herself a s victim but she grew up through her trials. So in her quest to find her father and save the universe, she ended up with her long lost father, and