Fear Of The Environment Exposed In Hot Money By Naomi Klein

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The United States is the country where most immigrants reside in the world. In fact, economic dispossession, lack of access to education and employment, violence, and other personal factors have motivated people from all over the world to seek a new life in America. Despite this, it is also the country that leads in high consumption and is thus the main enemy of the environment. There is a similarity between environmental damage and economic development: both grow simultaneously. But why are human beings not aware of both growths? Are human beings scared to face reality? Out of sight, out of mind? The reality is that economic development supersedes climate change. In her book "Hot Money", Naomi Klein explains that a free market economy is drastically …show more content…

The reason for this is that the unknown is constantly threatening us. Besides this, if we want to save the planet, modifications and actions must be taken. It is a fact. Showler has the idea that we are afraid of darkness, and that’s why we are not trying to make changes in order to save the planet. She said that "the biggest obstacle to reclaiming the night sky, conservationists say, is fear of the dark. This is a big theme in the dark-sky movement: that it is fear, not reason or progress, that motivates us to build our lives around light" (50). As a result, we continue to harm the environment rather than realizing that we are afraid of darkness because we always associate it with "dangerous" and not as a place where we can find peace, a quiet environment, and a way to preserve our own habitat. Fear is our biggest weakness. Similarly, Klein explains that in the capitalistic society we live in, "changing the earth's climate in ways that will be chaotic and disastrous is easier to accept than the prospect of changing the fundamental, growth-based, profit-seeking logic of capitalism." (224). Realistically, something that is already prescribed is difficult to modify, and the fear of the unknown is present all the time. In both case, there is fear of changing our economic system and stopping light pollution, but global advantages would have to take precedence over