Features Of The Texas Constitution

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Texas has had six constitutions since its independence back in 1836. “The current Texas constitution is the seventh constitution in Texas history” (Library) it was written in 1875 and ratified in 1876 and has since been the standing constitution in Texas. How does Texas’s state constitution identify with society today, and what did the final document produce for the Texas people. To describe some of the features of the current constitution let’s take a quick look at the influences that lead to the adoption of the present constitution. When the Democrats regained legislative control, after the Reconstruction period they called for a constitutional convention to revise and recreate the 1869 constitution that the “Democrats” felt to have been involuntary forced on the state at the time by post-Civil war radicals. The Democrats had no confidence in the Constitution after the reconstruction period, the Democrats who once again regained control of legislation had a “strong conservative, agrarian interest, and a reaction to carpetbagger rule” (Newell 47). This was a major factor of calling the convention to restructure the 1869 …show more content…

The legislative branch of Texas like the U.S. has a Senate and a House of Representatives. Article 111 of the Texas Constitution provides detailed records of how the Senate and House should be interpreted or should we say restricted. Instead of being an article advising on what positive lights the executive brand could bring to the state government it states all the restrictions put in place to prevent laws from being made. Meaning that to be able to make a law into reality, it must be amended and put into the constitution as an amendment, which in turn causes the constitution to become so amended it then becomes seen as a document with so much verbiage that it is hard to