Federal Bureau Of Prison Essay

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Federal Bureau of Prisons Federal Bureau is one of the biggest Federal law enforcement agencies throughout the United State. It also organizes some unions with private corporations to operate a number of institutions. According to their statistics, overall, they have ‘196,352 Inmates’ and ‘39,951 employees’ throughout the globe. The Federal Bureau of prisons system was first established by the Department of Justice in late 19th century and the prisons established in early 20th century. Therefore, the number of the prisoner and institutions has been grown every year. However, the Federal Bureau is serving all types of prisoner more than eight decades with organizational structure, clear mission, policy, relations and Ethics. First of all, it’s well known that most of the corporations had organizational structure; one of them is the Bureau of Prisons. As far as its configured concern, it’s well organized and had a strong foundation as whole. When it was first established, the Bureau set a strong base as Correctional Excellence, Respect and Integrity. This showing that the foundation was pretty much run with strong plan. According to their historical point of view, over …show more content…

Their vision is straight forth which stated that “the Federal Bureau of Prisons, judged by any standard,” is broadly and always provided “a model of outstanding public administration,” and the best value provider of professional. Their vision are includes public safety, prisoner safety, inmates successfully reenter society, good steward public funds, staff treated equally, respected and safe. Part of their core vision, they also had three principles. The first principle is correctional excellence which can be seen as a correction worker first, dedicated to the highest level of routine. The second principle is respect between the staff and inmates. The third principle is integrity which expresses inflexible ethical conduct in all their