Federalist John Jay Analysis

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The Federalist Paper 2 was written by John Jay, and it is one of the very few federalist papers that were written by him. Jay argues that a government is necessary in a society and that it should be granted a sufficient power in order to efficiently rule the country. Jay wrote, “Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable”. He also emphasized that people grant the government these powers, also that it is the people 's choice whether to unite under one national government or to separate. Jay emphasized, “ people of America that they should, to all general purposes, be one nation, under one federal government, or that they should divide themselves into separate confederacies”. Jay definitely believes that the first option is the best which is to unite under one strong government. Jay also answered argument from some politicians that argued that the country should not have a central government and that the states should be divided and separated as sovereign states. Jay answers that the country is united in many different aspects. He wrote, “With equal pleasure I have as often taken notice that Providence has …show more content…

He wrote, “As a nation, we have made peace and war”. Jay admits that the Articles Of Confederation are weak and they cannot continue to rule the country and that the government was hastily formed, and it was not granted sufficient power. He continued that the constitutional convention was composed of the best politicians in the country which are not corrupted and have a great reputation. He wrote that they met for four months to write and discuss the new constitution. He wrote, “This convention composed of men who possessed the confidence of the people, and many of whom had become highly distinguished by their patriotism, virtue, and