
Federalist No. 51 Research Paper

608 Words3 Pages

Federalist Paper #51

People of America,

This nation was built on ideas of liberty, equality, and democracy. Although many oppose the idea of the United States Constitution because they believe that the strength of the national government poses a threat to individual freedom, the United States Constitution actually enforces these three ideas at the same time as outlining the powers of national, state, and local government. It provides important limitations on the government that protect the fundamental rights of U.S citizens, but also outlines the powers that the national government has. The U.S Constitution also has a series of checks and balances between the different branches of federal government to regulate its power. These checks and balances are one of the key principles of the Constitution, and its necessity is explained in Federalist No. 51.

In order to advocate for the ratification of the U.S Constitution, certain people under the pseudonym publius published a series of essays in newspapers explaining the contents of the Constitution and why it is pertinent to the United States. One of these essays is Federalist No. 51, which explains why the structure of the government needs to provide the proper checks and balances between the different branches of government, the legislative, …show more content…

51 is one of the most important parts of the U.S Constitution. The checks and balances help to limit powers of the government in all three branches; the legislative branch, which creates laws; the executive branch, which enforces laws; and the judicial branch, which interprets and applies laws. Without a system of checks and balances, one branch of government would become too powerful, which would oppose the purpose of the Constitution: limiting and regulating government powers. With checks and balances, any important decision that needs to be made takes the cooperation of at least two branches of government; therefore, no one entity is in control of

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