Federalist Papers Fifty-Five, Sixty-Three Analysis

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In the Federalist Papers Fifty-Three, Fifty-Six, Fifty-Eight, Sixty-Two, and Sixty-Three, James Madison writes about the proper way to carry out the new form of government, in regards to the Legislative Branch. In Federalist Paper Fifty-Three, James Madison writes, “Some portion of this knowledge may, no doubt, be acquired in a man’s closet; but some of it also can only be acquired to best effect, by a practical attention to the subject, during the period of actual service in the legislature” (pg. 333). This means that serving two terms in the House of Representatives in more convenient because it allows the Representatives to acquire more knowledge. In the Federalist Paper Fifty-Six, James Madison states that some people consider the House of Representatives “too small to possess a due …show more content…

The Senate is also important because each Senator serves six years in office making it difficult for them to “yield to the impulse of sudden and violent passions” and allows them to gain experience and make minimal to no errors (pg. 337). Federalist Paper Sixty-Three emphasizes that having Senators serve six years allows them to be more responsible of the decisions they take while in office. James Madison wrote “It is evident that an assembly elected for so short a term as to be unable to provide more than one or two links in a chain of measures” (pg. 338). In conclusion, these Federalist Papers promoted the importance of obtaining a new government that contained a bicameral legislative branch, unlike the unicameral legislative branch of the Articles of Confederation. They explain the importance of having the House of Representatives to represent the public based on population and deal with the main issues, which are commerce, taxation, and militia. Meanwhile, the Senate is important to maintain equal votes for all states regardless of size and it deals with foreign