Feedback Argument Analysis

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As an athlete or a coach you want to be able to give your athlete the best way to perform a skill so it can become natural for them to do. Throughout this article discusses how skills are learned and performed with the correct feedback. To give the correct feedback to your athlete so he or she can make the right adjustments is key to making your team better. Athletes learn better through motor learning rather than just hearing it without instruction. If the athlete gets shown or is put into the position a walked through what they are supposed to do than the skill is learned. Instruction and being pointed in the right direction are the best ways to help the athlete. Learning a new skill is difficult if you do not understand how the skill is …show more content…

This information is accurate with what was learned in class it discusses the way feedback is applied with closed loop control. Also it gives information on how athletes learn the skill in different stages which is also how we were taught in class. The information provided would be easily understood for the public because it is very simple yet unique. The uniqueness of the article is you can apply the methods to many different aspects that you have in your life to help you with learning something new or giving feedback. Positive feedback is the best way because you can get the most effort from your athlete or coach. The information was not oversimplified it went into great detail about how to apply methods and use the methods for yourself. I believe this article is helpful for everyone to use. I like the article because you can impact someone life just by giving positive feedback which makes the person want to work even harder. I also like how I could learn more if I wrote down what I thought I was doing correctly and incorrectly so I know not to do the same thing next time I practice the skill. Every skill is not easy to learn so once you are shown the skill practice it until you realize that you are doing the skill automatically. The cognitive stage of learning the skill is the most difficult because you are constantly thinking