
Feminism And Socialism: Putting The Pieces Together Summary

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Feminism and Socialism: Putting the Pieces Together is a resolution adopted by the 14th National Conference of the Democratic Socialist Party (DSP), held in January 1992.

The DSP (created in 1972) and its associated young organisations came out of the same struggles that led to the rise of the women’s liberation movements in the early 1970’s. They have been the major campaigners in support of women’s right and liberation. This resolution is one of the many series that was adopted by them, it discuss the struggle women went through to gain a position in society, from its smallest repressive unit (the family) to its largest (society and government).

One of the many things I liked about this book is its definition of feminism"…Feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression…." It is condensed, simple and concise, brilliant definition, it totally bypasses the common descriptions involving equality, rights, and what all that can mean, and gets right to the heart of what feminism's all about.
I selected this book because of its title, I wanted to gain better knowledge about feminism and the connection with socialism and I wanted a quick and easy access to information. The first edition of this book was released in 1992, the information it contained are still relevant today and I will …show more content…

It analyses the nature of women’s oppression as part of the ongoing fight to achieve a socially just, democratic and ecologically acceptable life. It outlined a strategy to protect what we have gained in the past decades while extending the struggle to build an inclusive women’s

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