Feminist: The F Word Or The F Bomb

179 Words1 Pages
The f word, or the f bomb. It is used so commonly in society, and, as always, isn’t so nice either. But today, I won’t be so nice, and, well, here it goes. Feminist. If I asked a group of people, right on the spot, what feminist is, what would they say? Would they say it is being better than men, is it a horrible word that no one should say, or is it women’s rights? Nope, nope, and nope. In fact, Merriam Webster defines feminism as the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. But overtime, feminism has become a swear word in modern society. The word that once stood for women’s equality now stands for something worse. So first, let’s set a timer on this f bomb, and see how feminism started and its impacts on the