Ferris Bueller's Day Off Meaning

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“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” This quote by Ferris Bueller in the movie, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, encapsulates the meaning of this question. In this segment of the movie, Ferris is explaining why he wants to skip school for a day. He believes that if one does not take the time to look around and appreciate the simple things in life, life becomes a monotonous cycle of being told what to do and complying. When I apply this wisdom to my life, I realize that it is the simple sounds of nature that go unappreciated because I am too busy running from one activity to the next. This is an important discovery for me because I find myself more keenly aware of life’s wonders when I am completely …show more content…

These sounds are important to me because whenever I find myself in my deepest state of despair or anxiety, I can count on the soundwaves of nature to bring my body a sense of calm. They remind me to take a deep breath, slow down, and reflect internally. A specific example of this was during last summer when I was preparing to give a testimony of my faith to a large group of youth at a summer camp. This was no easy task for me. Talking about my faith had always made me slightly uncomfortable and nervous. Growing up, religion and church had been a consistent foundation for me, and going to church every Sunday was an integral part of my week. However, this was one of the few times I had ever spoken openly about my faith in front of a group larger than five. This was a new trial, and one that pushed the boundaries of my comfort zone. From a young age, I had connected my faith to nature. This is in part why nature brings me a feeling of comfort and peace. I had gone outside to collect myself before going in to share my story to a mass of youth and found myself staring out at a beautiful sunset over the lake. The sounds of wind, rustling leaves, and birds were swirling around me protecting me like a cocoon. With each beautiful sound, I could feel my fear and anxiety dissipate. I felt a sense of calm and power as these notes surrounded me and I confidently walked into the chapel to share my