Fidget Spinners Be Allowed In School Essay

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Woosh, woosh, “Rachel, I have asked you not to bring fidget spinners to school, haven’t I Miss Diaz,” said Dr.Paul. “Why can’t we have fidget spinners at school Dr. Paul,” said Rachel. “You can’t have a fidget spinner at school because, of certain reasons such as they cause grades to drop, other things can also happen with the fidget spinner,” said Dr. Paul. Should fidget spinners be allowed at school? No!!!! Fidget spinners should not be allowed at school, one reason why spinners should not be allowed at school is because, students do not learn when they have fidget spinners, another reason why spinners should not be allowed in school is because,fidget spinners can injure student’s, last but not least, fidget spinners distract students during school.
The first reason why fidget spinners should not be allowed in school was because,students do not learn when they have fidget spinners. The article states that “after a lengthy meeting with faculty, it became clear that spinners are impending both students’ ability to learn, and teachers’ ability to teach. Students’ that own fidget spinners want to bring them everywhere, but school is NO place for fidget spinners. Spinners can cause students classwork, test, and …show more content…

Principal Schwartz’s respond to this statement is “ you mentioned that fidget spinners help with concentration. The people selling spinners may make this claim, but there is no concrete evidence the claim is true. In fact, many psychologist have expressed suspicions about this alleged benefit”. So, being distracted at school can be very devastating because, a lot of bad things can happen with your reputation. When students have fidget spinners at school students are more worried about the spinning of the fidget spinner, instead of paying attention to the words of the