Figueroa's Framework Analysis

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Sport in Australia, has always embodied the idea of equality, where everyone has the opportunity to participate. Background information (like cultural background), and barriers has never been a problem to affect ones participation. But recently over the years as more sports have been developed, and funding from the government has become harder to get a lot of people have struggled to participate in a chosen sport, especially athletics as it is the more costly sport. “Athletics is a sport stripped to its barest essentials, to run, walk, jump and throw is the basis of human activity”. For many centuries Australians have been known for success in a range of sport for example swimming, rowing and athletics. Since the 1880s, Australian athletes have set world standards in both professional and also amateur events. But why is participation declining?? …show more content…

This framework includes 5 levels. The individual, interpersonal, institutional, structural and cultural, these areas are used to investigate the ways in which inequities challenge the area of sport and physical activity. I know from personal experience some of my sport choices has been affected from these levels, either because of cost or because the only facilities for these sports were not near the area that we lived in. When it comes to athletics, I haven’t personally been always engaged in this for various reasons, pressure from others watching you as it is an induvial sport. As I have been more interested in other team sports such as basketball getting better in these sports had become a priority. Other reasons include lack of clubs and organisations in Queensland, this is a main problem