Figurative Language In The Kite Runner

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1. I chose this book because it first of all met all of the requirements and I last minuet procrastinated and I really needed to find a book so I looked on our shelf of books and i found a book that i have never read before so i chose this one. The book seems really sad so far because the son really wants to get the dad's attention but whenever he tries to it is never enough . The reason the dad never wants to pay attention to him is because he has no backbone and he doesn't like to play sports. The main character also has no mom because she died giving birth to him which she was the most beautiful and smartest maiden in town. I would stick with this book because it has had some figurative language so far and it has a very interesting plot.

2. The story takes place in this city called Kabul, Afghanistan right before the war against Pakistan, …show more content…

Amir kind of reminds me of myself because he is always trying to do the right thing but then it ends up to be a mistake. That sometimes happens to me because i think that i am doing the right thing but then all of the sudden i get judged or told not to do that. We are also not really athletic or into any sports. I am also like him because i have a sister that gets a lot of attention and i wanted to get attention to so i got mad . But we also have differences, like he likes to read and i don't, we bot live in completely different places with different rules.

8. One of the situations in the book reminds of when my grandma got cancer and had to be in the hospital for a long time, It was when Amir’s dad had to go to the hospital because he started to cough out blood and they later discovered that he had longue cancer from smoking too much and later he died . Another moment of the book reminded me of when me and my friend used to love climbing trees and that was when Hassan suggested that they should go climb the trees outside because Amir was really bored so they decided to go outside but unfortunately they ran into