Rhetorical Devices In The Kite Runner

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Amir is faced with a difficult task and he’s not willing to occupy. He use excuses, such as his life in San Francisco to make Rahim Khan understand that he can’t redeem himself. My reaction throughout the book is feeling entirely operated or manipulated. Reasons for my saying is the author's attempts at metaphor, symbolism, and foreshadowing are inelegant. When he makes an argument, he makes your had turn upside down.. Commentary Baba as the most wealthiest and respected man in all of Kabul. He tries to adapt in the American life and way, but could sense that he missed the way it as back in Afghan as the most powerful and popular man as he was in Kabul. Baba's insincerity is not more of a theme. He makes such a declaration of piercing Amir’s (his son) head that a lie is a theft of one's right to the truth. His own hypocrisy there is a thoughtful thing. …show more content…

Seems to become more of an equal in society begins to live a life in America as an average citizen, working hard for money and being viewed as just another man went from the man who 'thundered into the room' to a pale and skinny gentleman stops feeling guilty and begins building the relationship him and Amir always lacked. Dies genuinely happy as he knows he has built a strong relationship with one of his sons Guilt because of an injustice will be present your whole life trying to choose between two major options will result in not fully knowing either. Taught Amir that the only sin is