Film 'A Film Review Of Schizophrenia'

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This film was an eye-opener because it gave me a greater understanding of what schizophrenia is in reality. Indeed, I had the tendency to think that a patient with schizophrenia would be violent and dangerous, would have multiple personalities and would not be able to hold a job, family and would need to be kept in mental health facilities; but after viewing this movie about the disease, I came to understand that schizophrenia is undeniably a mental disorder characterized by a degeneration of believed processes and emotional responsiveness. It mostly manifests itself as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusion, or disorganized speech and thinking. Schizophrenia is frequently accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction. …show more content…

Auto-violence is sadly common among schizophrenia patients, and suicide occurs very often as a result of self-destruction. People with schizophrenia are more likely to be victims of violence than offenders. According to this film, when people are having an acute episode, they might become a threat to themselves or to others people. As such schizophrenia patients need to be kept under control and stabilize while medications are adjusted, inpatient treatment in a psychiatric hospital is necessary; but this is not the case very often for most people with schizophrenia. Now, for the majority of people with schizophrenia, outpatient treatment is the norm. Therefore, many of those patients live independently, with families or in a community supportive housing. Schizophrenia can make it harder for people to get hired like other healthier person; but this film explains that with the right treatment, many schizophrenic people can find a position that suits their skills and abilities. In reality, the problem is that people with this disease are often embarrassed to talk about