Review Of Elyn R Saks The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness

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In today’s society we are constantly facing stigma around mental illness, Schizophrenia probably has more negative association around it today than many other mental illnesses. The negative beliefs and wrong ideas that society has on those living with schizophrenia impact their lives immensely. Due to ill informed society members those living with schizophrenia are often discriminated they are denied employment without the knowledge that for them holding a job is actual extremely beneficial. Its believed that people living with schizophrenia are not capable to function properly and that, is one of the many misconceptions that comes with schizophrenia. Elyn R. Saks shares her story in her book “The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness” …show more content…

Saks was aware that with each stressful situation she encountered that there was a possibility she would face a psychotic break, she didn’t let that stop her it did sometimes make her journey a little longer and it did halt projects; but she was able to power through and get through it. Saks was lucky enough to have a few close friends that helped a long her journey, this book embodies the importance of support systems. Saks recovery is due to many factors like her perseverance and resilience which is one of her more important strengths; her will in not wanting to give up is so telling in her story. Saks recognizes her “triggers” knowing what might cause a psychotic break is extremely beneficial in her part but she doesn’t shy away from stressful situations because of …show more content…

As mentioned above every time Saks faced a new transition in her life and or extremely stressful situation she was aware that a psychotic break could be possible and that was one of her many challenges that she faced daily. Saks also battled with a love, hate relationship towards medication, she knew the importance of it, but she was also extremely mindful of the side effects that came with medication. Kalpan and white constantly asked her to please take the recommended doses of the medication that they were telling her to take. Saks wanted to get through her situation without taking medication, she believed that if she took medication that it would mean that she is a