Cuaron Children Of Men Analysis

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Children of Men In Cuaron’s Children of Men, Cuaron incorporates elements from two worlds, the foreground and background, to deepen the story being told through the film. Traditional films usually have the viewer focus on the foreground by letting the viewer follow the eyes of the main character. Cuaron’s film is unique by incorporating art in the background to portray a different narrative that aligns to that of the main characters, Theo and Kee. Through the use of media art, he helps the viewer understand the setting this takes place in. Pieces of art are used to symbolize cultural and biblical references that align and emphasize the miracle of Kee’s baby in an infertile apocalyptical world. Last and the most important, Cuaron instills …show more content…

Before 911, people in America were use to seeing violence on that scale just on movies. When 911 hit, the footage that was shown gave a new perspective of the horrors that the world is capable off. After 911, the world was thrown into an ongoing refugee crisis that reflects to that seen in Cuaron’s film. Cuaron’s London responds to refugees in a similar way that today’s governments are implementing. Ongoing wars and oppressive governments are pushing people to leave in search for a place to call home. In the film, while Theo walks to work you can see people are kept in cages in the background. On the bus scene where they pass through the checkpoint, you can see the refugees in a similar matter like what happened in Guantanamo torture incidents. There is another scene that shows a woman cradling her dead son. The scene reflects back to pieces of art in shown earlier in the film. When Theo visits his cousin, Nigel, he walks into a room with Michelangelo 's David. Nigel mentions that he was unable to save La Pieta. When Theo is shown in the dining room you can see Picasso’s Guernica on the wall behind him. La Pieta has Mary holding crucified Jesus symbolizing the cruelty of men. Picassos is shaped in a similar image with the same meaning. See how this also ties in to the biblical reference with that of …show more content…

“ScreenPrism.” Alfonso Cuaron 's Children of Men Has Strong Religious Subtexts,
Cuarón, Alfonso, director. Children of Men: Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, Michael Caine, Chiwetel Ejiofor: Amazon Digital Services LLC. Amazon, Strike Entertainment / Universal Pictures, 2006,
Nerdwriter1. “Children of Men: Don 't Ignore The Background.” YouTube, YouTube, 9 Sept. 2015,
Studios, Jaap Buitendijk/Universal. “Children of Men Might Be the Most Relevant Film of 2016.” Vulture, 26 Dec. 2016,