Film Summary And Film Analysis: Segregations

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Within the second scene that I have chosen from the film, Caine sits down with his grandfather and O-Dog to discuss the wrong that the two young men have been doing around the neighborhood they live in near Los Angeles. Caine’s grandfather has this discussion with them to clarify that they are going down the wrong path and since the wrong path does not end very pretty, they need to stop acting out. Since there was a generational difference between the young men and the grandfather, religion is a key point that is made to persuade the men to think twice about their actions. Caine and O-Dog do not agree with these terms because in their minds if god is real, he would not have put the family and friends through such turmoil in the past. The two men blame the things they do on all of the bad things that have happened to them. …show more content…

When his grandfather chases him through the front door to ask, “Do you care to live or die?” Caine responds with, “I don’t know.” This could be because life is not so serious to people when they could take their last breath at any second due to the lifestyle they live. In 1965, Kenneth Clark, a liberal author of a study of the black ghetto, states that, “The symptoms of lower-class society affect the dark ghettos of America--low aspirations, poor education, family instability, unemployment, crime, drug addiction, and alcoholism, frequent illness and early death...The burdens of despair and hatred and more pervasive.” (Wilson, 2012.) When you get handed so many bad things all at once, you are going to give in and try to relate to your surroundings as best you can. This is the main reason that Caine’s grandfather would like him to move out of the area that he was currently residing

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