
Film Techniques In The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby is a film which makes use of film techniques as well as a good plot which is tied together with the Narrator, Nick Carraway. In the Atonement, film techniques are used to promote Briony’s own agendas through actions she takes to atone for her sins. Both films make use of film techniques to manipulate the viewer and both narrators serve to put together these techniques in a manner which promotes their own agendas. However The Great Gatsby narrator was more successful.

Briony aims to promote her own agenda through the actions she takes to atone for her sins in the past. She misconstrues events such as the fountain scene whereby she interprets this as an intimate encounter and influences us into thinking the same. The film makes …show more content…

He is seen as the voice of reason in relation to the other characters because Nick persistently attempts to assist others without the selfish desire for compensation. This is portrayed when Nick facilitates a meeting between Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan and declines Gatsby offer to make some extra money. Nick says it 's just a "favor" for a friend. These actions are, however, contrasted later in the film. Nick refuses to assist Gatsby after he is suspected for the murder of Tom 's mistress Myrtle. This illustrates Nick 's manipulation and only offers assistance to others when it suits …show more content…

Nick Carraway is continually skeptical about Gatsby 's stories of war and questions his merit, however, Nick still holds a high opinion of Gatsby. Nick opens his thoughts to Gatsby as well as providing him with compliments as seen in the closing scenes of the film with a bird-eye view of him being the only that cares at the funeral. He states to that "they are a rotten crowd" which combined with the use of a low camera angle, while looking upwards at Gatsby from his hanging balcony position, manipulates our decision of Nick 's standpoint on Gatsby. This demonstrates his contrast of thoughts of Jay Gatsby as it varies from an indecisiveness to extreme tribute and reduces our trust in Nick 's

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