
Final Project Essay: The Code Book

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CS 105
Astaras Alexandros
Final project, option 2: Book essay: The Code Book

Name: George Drougas
Date: 12-22/2/2015
Hiding information and trying to communicate secretly was something very important during the wars of history. The outcome of most battles and moreover of most wars was depended on the ability to hide communications as good as possible. People managed hiding their information through cryptography. However, parallel with cryptography, cryptanalysis was developed as it was crucial to find out what were their foes hiding. Cryptography became more and more useful as it kept on evolving until today.
-The strongest impact of cryptography in human history.
Cryptography changed the courses of World …show more content…

It was used to secure their communications. History is punctuated with codes that have determined the outcomes of battles. The nations had codemaking departments which were responsible for ensuring the security of communications. In 1918, the German inventor Arthur Scherbius and his close friend Richard Ritter founded the company of Scherbius & Ritter. Scherbius was in charge of research and development, and one of his projects was to replace the insufficient systems of cryptography that were used in the First World War. He managed this by swapping the traditional codes and ciphers with a form of encryption that exploited the technology of the twentieth century. He developed a piece of cryptographic machinery that was basically an electrical version of Alberti’s cipher disc. This invention that would become the most …show more content…

It is a system which ensures that the message will be secure from Eve and this is achieved by making it hard for Eve to read accurately a communication between Alice and Bob (Alice, Bob and Eve are fictional characters who have become the industry standard for discussions about cryptography). Alice and Bob will be able to detect Eve’s presence once “she” tries to eavesdrop. Therefore Alice and Bob are allowed to exchange and agree upon a onetime pad in total privacy, and then they can use this key to encrypt a message. In my opinion quantum cryptography was probably the best invention which could give cryptographers a huge leg up in their race against

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