Finding Forrester Book Vs Movie Essay

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In the book we read called Slam, and in the movie we watched called Finding Forrester, there were some similarities and differences. In both, the boys were faced with a problem, Slam’s basketball coach and Jamal’s literature teacher. They both also had an outlet person to look to for advice. In the book and movie, there were some good lessons and morals as well. In both the book Slam and the movie Finding Forrester, the boys had someone who made them struggle or had a problem with someone throughout the stories. Mr. Nipper, Slam’s basketball coach, from the start didn’t like Slam all that much. He wouldn’t start Slam because he didn’t like his attitude or the way he played with a big head. Slam hated the fact that even though he was the best player on the team, coach still wouldn’t start him. Slam immediately didn’t like coach Nipper because of the way he responded to Slam’s actions.
In the movie, Jamal's teacher Mr. Crawford doesn’t like Jamal either. First of all, Jamal is a new student at his school and Mr. Crawford thinks that his writings are too good. Mr. Crawford’s dream of being a published author got destroyed when he was younger so now, he doesn’t …show more content…

In Finding Forrester, Jamal was afraid to share that he was a writer. He didn’t want his passion to get made fun of because he isn’t really the “writing” type. William is also afraid of writing more books or showing the world what else he can do. They both end up helping each other out and overcome their fears together. The lesson in Slam teaches you to never give up and always work hard for what you want. At the beginning of the book Slam wasn’t doing what he wanted to so he worked really hard and tried his best to overcome his obstacles. He ended up succeeding and doing really well. His grades in school were also slippin when he first moved into his new school. He got help from Mtisha and started working harder to improve his