Finding Freedom In God's Promises By Gable Hicks

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Today, when it seems that hopelessness abounds and people are losing faith not only in one another but in God as well, there are those voices that offer hope and inspiration fortified by scripture based teachings. Author Beth Gable Hicks' is one such voice and in her newest work, Finding Freedom in God's Promises, she thoughtfully enlightens Christian readers about their faith, acceptance of God's sacred nature, and receiving God's promises as well as, providing the principals for reaffirming their relationship with God. This is author Hicks' second spiritually guided work, her first book, The Importance of Christian Friendships: In Good Times and in Bad also looks at the importance of faith in Christian life. Hicks provides an ardent and inspiring perspective, within which the faith based principal of “Let Go and Let God” plays a major role. She stresses …show more content…

The book Contains twenty complimentary chapters each one reads as an in-depth bible study lesson, complete with provided references to related anecdotes and biblical scripture.

Throughout the book, author Beth Gable Hicks, posits many concepts, tantamount to believers accessing God's promised love and protection. Readers will find the religious ideals discussed, as wide ranging as they are thought-provoking, as Mrs. Hicks expounds on matters like; Security in life comes from faith in God, God is the true source of all wisdom, following just the word of Christ, looking to the bible for instruction, and experiencing God's love and protection through a three pronged approach through worship, wisdom and witness.

I found, Finding Freedom in God's promises to be an interesting read. What works with this read is the author's adamant but reassuring tone, and her well-organized presentation of the book's subject