
John Eldredge's The Sacred Romance

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As I reflected on my own life, I can see how I fit into God’s bigger story. The purpose of reading the book entitled The Sacred Romance was to draw a connection from the life Arrows the authors Brent Curtis and John Eldredge had encountered. I also was able to point out my own life Arrows and described both the process and the lesson. By recognizing my Arrows and growing from them I have been able to have successful relationships. To commence, in the beginning of chapter three we are introduced to “The Message Of The Arrows.” The Arrows can be defined as a barrier that deceives you. “We cannot deny that the Arrows have struck us all… “(Curtis & Eldredge, 25). The first Arrow presented was an experience author Curtis had encountered. Curtis began explaining how on a summer morning, right before school he entered the kitchen expecting nothing more than a bowl of oatmeal. Instead he found his distressed mother, as he looked into her eyes he noticed a different look from guilt or pain, he came to realize that this look was an expression of fear (Curtis 24). Fear that he could not relate to; as he attempt to comfort his mother, he was taken …show more content…

With the authors allowing us as the readers to look in on their lives, we were able to draw a few Arrows from our lives too. Being able to this can benefit one by giving them knowledge and comfort that we are not bad people. We all experience these life Arrows that try to deceive us; we just have to be aware of them and take action in trying to do better. When we are able to open up about past events then we are more likely to grow from them. When it comes to relationships we should not allow past experiences to result in our future relationships. Meaning that every barrier we encounter throughout relationships should be a life lesson that we are able to grow

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