Fidelity By Wendell Berry Analysis

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Fidelity by Wendell Berry is a collection of five short stories that are united by their underlying theme of fidelity. provides five definitions for fidelity:
1. Strict observance of promises, duties, etc
2. Loyalty
3. Conjugal faithfulness
4. Adherence to fact or detail
5. Accuracy; exactness
6. The degree of accuracy with which sounds and images are recorded and reproduced.
Berry’s stories focus on the first two definitions, primarily loyalty. The first story, “Pray without Ceasing,” deals with the consistency of God’s love. He loves His people when they are at their worst just as much as when they are at their best. The only human love close to that is familial love. Fidelity allows love to be sustained through good times and bad. “A Jonquil for Mary Penn” is about how people can become so caught up on the mundane details of day-to-day life that they forget to pay attention to what is most important to them. This neglect can be misinterpreted as a loss of affection. Luckily, small acts of kindness are …show more content…

My two favorites were “A Jonquil for Mary Penn” and “Fidelity.” Mary’s story reminded me of my own struggles when my husband and I were first beginning our family. We had moved to Maryland shortly after the birth of our second daughter. While my husband was busy working day and night to provide for us, I often felt isolated. Stuck at home with two children under 3 years old, I had little opportunity to get out of our house. At times, I became frustrated, feeling unappreciated and wondering why we had chosen such a lonely life. My husband was the only person I had, and yet he seemed so distant. Before I could ever become despondent though, my husband would find small ways to reaffirm our love and commitment. Thankfully that time of our lives passed and we eventually returned home, secure in the knowledge that we could overcome any struggles as long as remained dedicated to each