Finding Nemo Poem Analysis

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Before children begin school, parents start to teach them basics such as reading and writing. Even before that, children begin watching television and movies. Finding Nemo is a popular Disney movie that is enjoyed by families. Disney targets their movies towards families, which is the audience for this movie as well. I have taken that movie and translated it into a poem. This poem includes many educational benefits to help develop general reading skills. This poem was created for young children, which is my new audience, especially children who are just beginning to learn how to read or are being read to by their guardians. This poem is very appropriate to children learning general reading skills because it will help those parents teaching their kids the basics of reading and writing. By translating Finding Nemo into a poem, I am encouraging children to read while helping them subconsciously benefit from reading a poem with rhymes.
The original audience for Finding Nemo is families, while my new target audience is focused on children that are beginning to learn how to read and write. The audience of children is incorporated in families, but by …show more content…

The poem is breaks the movie down into a sequence of events and there is a stanza for each major event that occurred. Even though the poem only includes the major events from the movie, a thorough summary is done. Through using both the pictures in the poem and their creative imaginations, children should most definitely be able to visualize each scene in their head. Including every single event that happens in the movie would make the poem be extremely long and children would no longer be able to read it. For example, Marlin and Dory run into a school of fish that make shapes when they are looking for Nemo. I left that out of my poem because it is an event in the movie, but that event is not important and the storyline does not change without that