Fire And Ice By Robert Frost Essay

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The poem “Fire and Ice” by Robert Frost, has many examples of symbolism and imagery. These examples are only a few of the many that shape this poem and make it uniquely its own. The theme of this poem is quite interesting as well, when I first read the title I expected the comparison of love and hate, that is not what I got in the slightest. The imagery in this poem is very vivid. For example, Frost states, “Some say the world will end in fire” (1) this is imagery because it makes me picture the orange and yellow flames, plus, I can almost feel the heat of the fire. The line also helps me to imagine the smoky smell in the air that follows the destruction of the flames. The imagery in this line is so strong that in only those few words I was able not only to see, feel, and smell the flames but also to imagine the destruction and pain the fire causes. Frost also states, “Some say in ice” (2) this is imagery because it makes me imagine the solid sheet of blueblack ice, cold and hard, unwavering. It creates a very vivid picture in …show more content…

For instant Frost states, “Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice.” (1-2) this is symbolism because the “world” can represent a person or a relationship between two people. Also “fire” and “ice” represent two different types of hate. The fiery type of hate seems to do the most damage but it is mostly physical. Fiery hate is the kind where two people yell and scream and make almost a presentation that they hate each other. This hate is loud and affects everyone near. Then the icy hate is more of a cold shoulder, while it is less obvious to others it does as much damage if not more than the fiery hate. It incorporates the pain of ignoring the other person, and the fact that only some know of the hate that is growing in between the two people. These are almost polar opposites in literal and implied meaning, but they are also very similar as the examples above have