The Fire Next Time Analysis

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Humans have a tendency to get defensive of their actions, and resort to denial or ignorance when feeling attacked, which is why Baldwin begins his book with a letter to his nephew. The entirely of The Fire Next Time addresses the highly problematic racial inequality in that is still deeply ingrained the American culture and motivates the actions of its citizens. Despite the book's overarching message of the dire need for love and union between the black and white race, a level of resentment and anger is prevalent in Baldwin's narrative. The underlying message addresses the white readers, arguing that their privilege continues to undermine the black communities and that their practice of ignorance continues to perpetuate the problem. He holds the white people accountable and explains how the black race naturally feels compelled to retaliate-sometimes too much. With a white audience in mind, Baldwin uses the form of autobiography to provide a unique insight into the issue social inequality and criticize the people who continue to perpetuate it. Moreover, Baldwin is careful to ensure that his message appeals to the white audience, disallowing them from getting overly defensive or dismissing his work entirely.
Baldwin opens his book with a personal letter to his nephew, warning him of the hardships that he would have to face as a black man. His choice to place this letter in the beginning creates a sense of authenticity and built trust between author and reader. Being placed in the shoes of a nephew …show more content…

The people living in the ghetto do not have many options. Among Baldwin's friend, the trend seemed to be joining the military and often meeting their "ruin" there, fleeing to other ghettos, or joining the church (20). Success wasn't enough either. Success did not guarantee equal treatment or