Fire Scorching Research Paper

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The Fire Stick, utilised by Indigenous Australians has been an essential tool in the practice of traditional land management across Australia since their arrival 50,000+ thousand years ago. Fire Stick Farming (as it is now known) shaped the Australian landscape in ways that benefited both land and Aboriginal people. A practice that increases biodiversity of plant species, offered an abundance of food, both for Aboriginal people and wildlife such as the Kangaroo and Emu, and, in turn, increased populations of these species, which were also a desired food source. Additionally, the practice of burning both small and large areas of land ensured the prevention of larger uncontrollable fires which can devastate landscapes, as evidenced by the common …show more content…

However, utilising this tool effectively, may only occur through extensive knowledge of the local conditions, specific to certain geographic areas such as time of year, time of day and weather conditions. If this knowledge is disregarded or unattained, the use of fire burning is ineffective and potentially harmful to the environment. Aboriginal burning practices of 1788 demonstrated their vast knowledge of local conditions, with plants and animals species thriving during this time. Fire Stick burning practices ensured an abundance of resources throughout the year, providing a surplus of hunting game, such as Kangaroos and Emu, as well as a diverse and nutrient-filled range of edible plant …show more content…

Without regular burning, the landscapes that had been shaped by Aboriginal people over thousands of years, began to change. Denser forest and bush as well as build up of undergrowth majorly impacted on Aboriginal peoples lives and ways of living, across Australia.
With the introduction of matches and flints, the use of fire sticks in burning practices today is rare with the exception of some Aboriginal people maintaining the practice to uphold traditions that may otherwise be lost. Burning practices are now widely used around Australia to reduce fuel build up and prevent large uncontrollable bushfires, however, acknowledgement of the influence that Aboriginal people had on this technique has largely been ignored. While, fire practices are very much incorporated in land management, observations from Aborigines today suggest the use of fire in some areas is inappropriate or not suitable for the local conditions of the areas