Compare And Contrast To Build A Fire And The Interlopers

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In this essay, we will explore the comparisons and contrasts of “To Build a Fire”, and “The Interlopers.” In “The Interlopers”, two men in a feud over land, fighting it out in nature, who will win? What will happen? Just like that “The Interlopers”, “To Build a Fire” is a story in which a man and his dog companion are out in nature, battling the cold, soon to have conflict just trying to get back home. These short stories both have characters who are outside and nature is against the characters. Both stories, the Interlopers and “To build a fire” do have their differences, and are alike in the character’s conflict with nature, but both stories have a major conflict.
In both short stories, both characters are outside and nature was of the …show more content…

In “To build a fire” we use this evidence to show how the characters die, “ But the man remained silent. Later the dog whined loudly. And still, later it moved close to the man and caught the smell of death. This made the animal back away.” In “The Interlopers” a textual statement is, “”Who are they?" asked Georg quickly, straining his eyes to see what the other would gladly not have seen. "Wolves."” The connection is that in“To Build a Fire”, the main character dies because of the cold and in “The Interlopers”, the main characters can be inferred to have been killed by the wolves that showed up at the end of the …show more content…

“The Interlopers” characters are in a feud and are outside during a war. And in “To build a fire”, a man is making his way towards camp, but things do not go well for him. In “To build a fire” this can identify where this man is heading towards to, “He was headed for the old camp on Henderson Creek, where the boys were already” In “The Interlopers” this describes what the characters were doing, “The neighbour feud had grown into a personal one since Ulrich had come to be head of his family; if there was a man in the world whom he detested and wished ill to it was Georg Znaeym, the inheritor of the quarrel and the tireless game-snatcher and raider of the disputed border-forest.” In both of these short stories, the main characters need to find their destination in the end. In these pieces of evidence, they show that the reader can identify the differences between the motive outside in nature. In “The Interlopers”, the men are in a feud over land, and in “To build a fire”, the man and dog are trying to get back to camp with his friends. The characters are both are trying to get to their destinations, but soon fail