First Circle Of Hell: Bernie Madoff's Largest Ponzi Scheme

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In the first circle of Hell, there are the thieves who stole in secrecy, from thousands of lives for their own benefit. The sinners are to live under a single tent in a vast desert, where they can only see during the daytime but not the night. A sinner who fits this sin is Bernie Madoff, known for leading the largest Ponzi scheme, a fraudulent investment between the funds of existing and new investors piloted by the investment fraud. Madoff belongs in this circle because he is guilty of stealing from thousands of innocent people. The punishments for those who fulfill this sin include the consumption of salt water. The salt water causes the consumers to become constantly thirsty, similar to these thieves who were thirst for money. Another …show more content…

The landscape is cooler than the first circle, but is still in an arid desert. Each sinner lives in a hole which they can only see out of through a small opening from the top. As the sins move further down the circles of Hell, the sinners vision drastically decreases, as well as the temperature of the atmosphere they are placed. A serial killer who fits the second circle is Pedro Alonso Lόpez, who killed at least one hundred people by the year 1978. Lόpez lured his victims, specifically females, into secluded areas in order to rpe and kill them in secrecy. His operation came to an end when a surprise flash flood revealed fifty-three dead bodies he originally hid. The sinners, living in individualized holes, are being continuously toppled over by sand and rocks and strangled by boa constrictors. The following disciplinary acts equate to the strangulation technique Lόpez used against his victims. As the hole, in which the sinners are held, is filled with sand and rocks is is also overflowed with water, causing the sinners to tread unstoppably. This water-based punishment symbolizes the corpses that were found during the surprise flash …show more content…

These terrorist leaders attempt to scare the people in order to achieve a political statement. In this final circle of Hell, the sinners are submerged in a secluded hole in the desert with no light at any time of the day. A leader who fulfills this sin is Pol Pot, a Cambodian communist leader who killed twenty five percent of his people, driving back his society into a peasant-farming society using Stone Age technologies. In attempt to create a socially classless society, Pol Pot aimed towards intellectuals and leaders. The leader and terrorist group was disposed of in 1979 by a Vietnamese army, despite his use of guerrilla warfare. The sinners are kept underground, without light and sleep, symbolizing the starved senses the sinners lacked of. The ruler of the final circle is a gorilla; eating the sinners by stripping away at their skin like a banana. The gorilla is a representation of the guerrilla war tactics used, and the banana’s layers is a representation of each layer of dignity the sinners obviously lacked. The third punishment for the sinners, specifically towards Pol Pot, is having consistent visualizations of their family and friends tortured in 1.5 million ways. This represents the 1.5 million people who were tortured during his rule of