First Generation College Students

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College is one of the most significant times in a person’s life. Every year high school kids will visit many different colleges so that they can be confident in their college decision. Some kids will follow in their parent’s foot steps and base their decision on where their mom or dad went, though, not all kids are fortunate to have help from their parents. Many kids nowadays may be the first in their family to take on higher education. The article, “First Generation College Students: Unprepared and Behind” by Liz Riggs explains that kids who are the first in their family to take on college are at a disadvantage compared to kids with parents who attended college. First generation college students are ill prepared for college based off of statistical evidence, their parents, and financial struggles.

First, Liz Riggs uses statistical evidence in many ways to explain how first generation college …show more content…

Parents play a big role in their child’s lives because they provide a sense of direction for them. It is natural for a child to look up to his/her mom or dad. If a young adult doesn’t have the help from their parents who have already experienced college then they are already behind the kids who are able to use their parents as a resource. A quote by Nijay Williams in the article says, “My mom stopped school in the ninth grade; my dad stopped in the fourth grade … It makes it harder for me, [and] most of the people I graduated with are not in college, but that’s what I see myself doing; I want to go to college. I just want to have a degree.” This is first person point of view is evidence that proves people with parents who dropped out on their education are making it harder on their child’s education. This quote also proves that even though Williams didn’t have parents who finished high school he can still obtain the drive to seek the knowledge of higher