First In Thirst: How Gatorade

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Anyone who has read a book to a young child has found the complex topics must be explained or reread a second time so the child can understand. As a child grows older, they become more curious about the world around them. They seek answers to the same questions asked years prior because they seek a greater understanding of a topic. Two authors that match this progression well are Joanne Mattern and Darren Rovell. Joanne Mattern the wrote the biography Robert Cade: Gatorade inventor that includes photographs for a young audience and presents the information so that an inexperienced reader would understand. Darren Rovell, author of the non fiction book First in thirst: How Gatorade turned the science of sweat into a cultural phenomena. Attempts …show more content…

The two authors both have very different writing styles. Among the many differences is the audience, Rovell is his book First in Thirst targets readers with basic understanding of math and science. Malawer concluded from his studies that a beverage containing salt and glucose(a sugar the body doesn’t need to break down) would move much more quickly through the body than water in one section of the small intestine. Leading the reader to believe that Rovell’s primary audience is high school students to young adults. This is also reinforced by Rovell’s many attempts to relate to the young adult audience. A prime example can be found at the start of the book when he gives the reader a synopsis of his athletic career in middle school. “I wasn’t exactly considered an asset. Thanks to my occasional walking during races I finished so far behind my score wasn’t even counted in the team standings...there was one thing that remind that validated my worth as an athlete. Luckily, 16 ounces of the magic potion could be purchased for $1.29... I couldn’t have cared less about the science behind it... the concoction was guzzled by all athletes I admired it made me feel as if we had a bond” (Rovell 1). Rovell gives the reader this information about his personal life in an attempt to relate to the reader by showing he was not a stellar athlete as a child. Rovell also uses this excerpt to transition into his own views