Fishman's Not Too Complicated Science Behind Water

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H2 NO! Fishman’s Not Too Complicated Science Behind Water
Water is an essential part of existence on earth for all living (and nonliving) things, it is a substance that is looked past and taken for granted. Charles Fishmans’ The Big Thirst is a research based book about water. He wants the reader to reimagine their relationship with water and learn about how water is changing and impacting the environment. Throughout the chapter, “The Secret Life of Water,” Fishman gives scientific information about water from professors and professionals in the field. He uses a lively tone and is able to engage with the reader using some complex scientific information. THESIS scientists information, data, metaphors and similes, adjectives and describing words.
The use of metaphors and similes intermittent through the scientific information helps the reader understand the concept. For example, Fishman writes: “the new water molecules form a thin coating of ice on the dust grain, like what you find on ice cream that’s been in the freezer too long” (31). This simile is useful because the reader is able to relate to it, then think in scientific terms that are not overwhelming. For me, it puts the image in my head and I go “oh yeah” and am able to wrap my head around his scientific terms. It made it easier …show more content…

And yet, all our intimacy with water, we actually know almost nothing about it-about water itself. Water is as potent in our daily lives as gravity, but also mysterious” (26). This mystery gives him a way to express science because the reader is open minded. Throughout the chapter he also uses personification and adjectives to keep the reader going. He says “water is sexy and alluring” and “water is a team player” (49). These words allow the reader to stay interested, since he is just talking about one thing only water. He intermittently uses science and narrative to grasp the reader's attention.- Not too much information or facts, but also a