Energy may be released from the nuclei of atoms
nuclear binding energy fusion of light elements into heavier (eg hydrogen into helium) fission of heavier into lighter (eg uranium into barium and krypton) approx. 100 words
Energy may be released from the nuclei of atoms in two ways: fusion and fission.
Nuclear fusion is the combining of lighter elements into heavier ones, whereas fission is the division of heavier elements into lighter ones.
actual physics definition?
The binding energy of an atom is the amount of energy required to split a nucleus into its individual protons and neutrons. The mass of an atom’s nucleus is less than the sum of the neutrons and protons it consists of, and this difference is known as the ‘mass defect’. This
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The Sun is constantly releasing tiny particles into interplanetary space, mostly individual protons and electrons, but also helium nuclei and some heavier ions. The discharge of these particles is known as the solar wind, and is caused by the differences in pressure of the Sun’s corona and the rest of interplanetary space.
Due to it’s high speeds of 400-750km.h-1, the solar wind is able to penetrate the Sun’s atmosphere and reach Earth within an average of 3.5 days. These speeds also cause the particles to release energy in the form of heat, with temperatures recorded as high as 100 000K.Emissions reaching the Earth from the Sun
nature of emissions approx. 150Sunspots
represent regions of strong magnetic activity and lower temp approx. 150 words
One of Galileo’s first observations of the sun, was that it’s surface is in fact not perfectly round and unblemished, rather that it is covered in irregular ‘patches’ of lighter and darker pigmentation. These dark spots on the visible surface of the sun represent cooler areas of the photosphere, in comparison to its average temperature of 5778K, and are caused by magnetic disturbances on the sun’s visible