Five Factor Theory Of Procrastination

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The construct of procrastination has been investigated in terms of task approach and performance or through the perspective of personality and individual differences. Recent articles have addressed the role of the three-factor theory of personality in procrastination. However, little information is known regarding the five-factor model of personality and procrastination. The present investigation involves a comprehensive evaluation of this relationship. Undergraduate students (N = 202) completed the NEO-PI-R and Aitken's Procrastination Inventory. Stepwise multiple regression revealed that Conscientiousness accounted for a significant portion of the unique variance of procrastination scores. The procrastination scores were inversely related …show more content…

This study addressed this situation by creating scales based on both observed behaviors and a theoretical self-reports, and using these scales to determine procrastination’s performance, mood, and personality correlates. One-hundred and fifty-two undergraduates were measured at six time periods during an 11-week introductory psychology course. The course consisted of a computer-administered personalized system of instruction, a system noted for susceptibility to procrastination. Results show that procrastination is an excellent predictor of performance, though some final-hour catching-up is possible. Efforts to clarify its causes were mixed. Procrastination does reflect an excessive discrepancy between work intentions and work actions, as procrastinators tend to have a larger than average intention-action gap, especially at the beginning of the course. On the other hand, procrastination’s correlations with mood (i.e., state and trait affect) and personality (i.e., neuroticism, self-esteem, locus of control, extraversion, psychoticism, dominance, and self-monitoring) are uncertain as results diverge depending upon whether observed or self-report procrastination criteria are used. This dichotomy indicates that self-report procrastination likely reflects a self-assessment influenced by …show more content…

This paper sought to trace the sources of trait procrastination by locating it within the five-factor personality structure. Study 1 concerned self-ratings on trait adjectives (in Dutch) that were relevant in some way to procrastinatory behavior. The position of these adjectives on the five factors of personality (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Openness, and Conscientiousness) was known. Respondents were 161 female and 117 male students attending a university in The Netherlands. They also completed a Dutch translation of a measure of trait procrastination. In Study 2, 271 female and 81 male Canadian university students completed the measure of trait procrastination and the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (in English). The results were remarkably consistent across the two samples. Trait procrastination was largely associated with lack of Conscientiousness. Trait adjectives highly related to trait procrastination (Study 1) included ‘undisciplined’, ‘lazy’, and ‘disorderly’. Trait procrastination in Study 2 was highly related to lower scores on each of the six facets of Conscientiousness (Competence, Order, Dutifulness, Achievement-Striving, Self-Discipline, and Deliberation). There were also some relations to Neuroticism, primarily in terms of tentativeness (Study 1) or Impulsiveness (a facet of Neuroticism) in Study 2. Relatively minor links to the